❶  Please note: The data on this tracker is being updated by phase, and statistics on this dashboard are representative of the final candidate nominations up till that date. Right now, the dashboard reflects the data up until the following phase(s) of the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections:

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6 Phase 7

National Parties: Age Breakdown

National Parties: Sex Ratio

State Profile

Select a state to view its profile and access the state’s Lok Sabha constituency dashboard

State/Union Territory:

Other Nationwide Statistics

Share of incumbents across the country for the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections

Gender distribution of all the candidates for the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections

Share of candidates vs. the proportion of India’s population between the ages of 25-29*

*Here, we follow the official definition of youth according to the National Youth Policy (2014) i.e. those under the age of 29.

**Proportion of population b/w 25-29 has been calculated out of the population eligible to vote, that is those above the age of 18.

We need actionable research on youth centric issues,
but there’s a big information gap.

Young people are a crucial demographic data point when it comes to political research
we enhance existing knowledge and build onto political discourse by shedding light on age
and youth as a vital variable in research.

Young people’s issues and causes need to be brought into the mainstream.

crore young Indians

India’s median age

of the population under the age of 29

Information is power.

Disseminating quality research by and for the youth helps develop them as a socio-political category.


Closing the information gap within political research


Developing robust frameworks for implementing youth programs


Ensuring young people are taken up as a consequential point of focus in policy

Democratic participation is enhanced by accurate and unbiased research. The Centre for Youth Policy allows young Indians to make this possible.

Research is creating new knowledge.

Mapping India’s Youth

India has the largest youth demographic in the world, with upwards of 670 million Indians below the age of 25. Each state in India also has a demographic dividend, and CYP’s work focuses on highlighting them such that they’re a part of our discourse. Explore our map to find out interesting youth-centric details about each state, such as the youth demographic, their respective Youth Affairs Department and Minsiter as well as their state’s Youth Policy. We want to our young people on the map—use this directory as your one stop for all things youth related.

Explore our other youth trackers

Youth In the News